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Projects while at 219 Design

San Francisco, 2018 - 2024

219 Design is a top engineering consultancy in the San Francisco Bay Area

Most of our clients at 219 Design kept their projects confidential. However, here are a few products that we are allowed to talk about.

For each of these products, I was involved from the starting blank-slate brainstorming, through the rapid prototyping and detailed engineering, and up till the launch into market introduction.

Purcell S1 Bulk Food Dispenser

219 Design acted as Purcell’s engineering department, helping develop and construct pilot units for real-world testing in a set of select grocery stores.

Abe’s efforts included

  • Lead the design process for the “Agitation system”

    • Brainstorming: ideated food agitation methods with the team

    • Prototyping: made rapid versions of 4 food agitation methods, such as sawtooth board made from cardboard and wood.

    • R&D: developed experiments to quantify food agitation methods

    • Individual parts: designed a 3D printed agitation interface

    • Ramp to production: sourced motor vendors 

  • Worked with team in the above design process for 10 systems: weight architecture, valve design, cartridge release, etc… 

The Purcell S1 Dispenser won Platinum in the Spark Design Awards for sustainability.

Carbon Smart Part Washer

The Carbon Smart Part washer cleans excess resin from 3D printed parts. 219’s experience designing ruggedized mechanisms enabled us to redesign the rotating clamp mechanism to increase the lifespan of the Smart Part Washer.

Abe’s efforts included

  • Troubleshot and re-designed of the compression architecture with the 219 Design team

  • Performed static + dynamic load calculation and FEA simulation

  • Did a deep dive into angular contact bearings

  • Calculated bearing fatigue and bearing lifetime

  • Designed the belt tensioning system

  • Generated a BOM and sourced suppliers 

  • Wrote assembly instructions and performed on-site assembly

Scooter Smart Lock

219 Design raced to get thousands of custom head tubes with integrated smart locks designed, developed, iterated, & manufactured in months. We earned a key operating permit with San Francisco, while the client’s competitors were banned.

Scooter locked to a pole

Abe’s efforts included

  • Made an arduino-controlled linear actuator mechanism for repetitive life-testing the lock

  • Ran experiments with testing lab for vibration and environmental durability

  • Traveled to Shenzhen, China for on-site ramp-up of first 1k units

  • Brainstormed and prototyped next generation lock architecture with the internal team

SilvaClean Laundry System

219 Design helped Applied Silver reposition their product into major league sports through a successful debut at the 2019 NFL Combine.



Abe’s efforts included

  • Design for manufacturing (DFM) - shrunk the unit volume and refined assembly access

  • Designed sheet metal structure supporting an aesthetic shell 

  • Sourced and worked with part vendors

  • Ramped up onsite production to 20+ units

  • Created Bill of Materials and assembly instructions

Puck Test System

219 built a rugged fixture to test the functionality of sensorized pucks for the National Hockey League.

hockey puck with sensors

Abe’s efforts included

  • Brainstormed UX architectures

  • Rapidly prototyped puck lifting mechanisms

  • Designed the puck interface

  • Simplified user operation and reduced cycle time

  • Concentrated complexity, including a mechanical flexure, into 1 part 

  • Scalable durability - integrated the fixture into a standard Pelican case

  • Developed the manufacturing & assembly procedures

  • Led 2-person team to assemble & deliver 30+ units on time and under budget