Giraffe Toothbrush Stand

A playful touch of the Serengeti among your toiletries


giraffe draw.JPG


Giraffes have long skinny necks. Toothbrushes are long and skinny.
Hey, wouldn't it be fun to have a little giraffe that was your toothbrush?


After imagaining a toothbrush that was also a giraffe, I went looking to see if one had already been made. Finding no solid models, I drew one up in CAD, based on a point mesh of a giraffe. I then split off the top part, and added a bore based on some toothbrush measurements.

After 3D printing the first prototype, I added a few tweaks by rounding the feet and smoothing the neck.

Rev0 Hero.JPG

Going Viral

I posted the files onto a collaborative site for 3D printable designs, Thingiverse, in case some other people had interest. I was not expecting the immediate popularity.

In the first month, the little giraffe had over 3 thousand downloads. Beyond that, multiple shops on Etsy picked up the design and started selling them.

(It’s okay, I released it to the creative commons under CC BY, so they can sell it as long as they give a shout out).

On the Market & Open Sourced

The design for the giraffe stand is free and open for anyone to print their own on Thingiverse.

However, if anyone would like to skip that step, I am also happy to sell you one of my prints.
